Boating Safety Kit

Boating Safety Kit

Being out on the open water  ðŸ’¦ is surreal. The smell of the salty sea, the warm sun beating down on the deck, seagulls singing you a tune, how can it get any better? The ocean has a mind of its own sometimes and you need to be prepared for anything. Having proper...
Outside Home Maintenance Tips

Outside Home Maintenance Tips

The sun is starting to shine and outdoor spring maintenance is right around the corner. It’s important to maintain your home to prevent wear and tear. To keep your home structurally sound and safe, ready your home with these maintenance and prevention tips. Pick...
Spring Home Maintenance

Spring Home Maintenance

It’s finally the season when everything springs into action again — including you. Now’s the time to roll up your sleeves and take care of the things you’ve neglected during the winter months. You’ll want to ready your home for the impending summer weather....
Winter Weather Tips for Homeowners

Winter Weather Tips for Homeowners

Skate through winter with these helpful winter homeowner safety tips. Ice isn’t nice. One of the most cost-effective ways to weather the winter and prevent ice dams is investing in a roof rake. According to the Insurance Information Institute, investing in a roof rake...
Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

Many find the winter holidays their favorite time of year with colorful decorations, warming their feet by the fire, hanging ornaments from the mantle and the special activities with friends and family. However, before hanging those ornaments by the fireplace, make...
Thanksgiving Safety Check

Thanksgiving Safety Check

Thanksgiving is a time to gather around the dinner table in the company of family and friends and be thankful for all that you have. Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, with unattended cooking as the leading contributing factor. Keep your holiday full...